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Is there a shape shifting class?

Doggy O'Reno 10 years ago updated by ООО Байт-АП 10 years ago 2
Currently I am on level 18 with the cleric staring at the entrance to level 19. Surprised I have made it this far I am stoked to unlock some new classes. I was wondering if there was a shape shifting class? If there is I want to work on unlocking that one...

Why dont I accumulate Rage?

Doggy O'Reno 10 years ago updated by ООО Байт-АП 10 years ago 3
I stopped getting rage at level 14, I have tried to open and close the game but still no accumulation. I have two gold items and nothing cursed. I have the paladin set 3 items +1 defense.

What is in byteUP's scope for future release

Doggy O'Reno 10 years ago updated by ООО Байт-АП 10 years ago 2
Love this game and was curious where I could find out more on what the company is developing or has already made available to the public... I post this here because when I touch the logo on Warlock's Citadel it routes me back to this site...

Any good build for the cleric?

Doggy O'Reno 10 years ago updated by ООО Байт-АП 10 years ago 4
At first I was going for the first tree, but after beating the minotaur, I reliezed I had 0 crowd control and just got stomped the first few tiers beyond him.

What about the items? I have got 3 priest items and 3 barbarian items, the priest allotted  +1 to light and the barbarian +1 to attack...

Not a bug


Primarx 8 years ago updated by ООО Байт-АП 8 years ago 3

    I am playing on my smartphone. Barbarian hardcore mode. When loaded my save to continue i found out that all potions became ???? again , even those that i drank in this very lvl. I continue on the the same day. No updates of PO or game were installed.


    Help! Cannot enter level 20 Windows Phone 8.1

    Doggy O'Reno 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 15
    Image 1I cannot enter level 20 I keep getting an error message asking me to restart the program, however it still persists even after restarting the program...

    I have inserted a screen shot but the message reads. "Something went wrong :( Tap the 'Back" button to exit to the main menu and restart the game