
What is in byteUP's scope for future release

Doggy O'Reno 10 лет назад обновлен ООО Байт-АП 10 лет назад 2
Love this game and was curious where I could find out more on what the company is developing or has already made available to the public... I post this here because when I touch the logo on Warlock's Citadel it routes me back to this site...
There're some features we'd like to be implemented in Warlock's Citadel. It will not affect gameplay too much, but will make it more richer. Should be available in Q1/2015.

Warlock's Citadel is first mobile game of Byte-UP, we are in active discussion of next project, development timeline and related stuff.  There are several concurrent ideas of gameplay, setting, major genre, thus we can't disclose any certain details yet.

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